Sanctuary of Demeter

Author of the notice : A. Mazarakis Ainian


Place : Kaukara Fragiskaki, Naxos
: Naxos
: Naxos isl.
Notice linked to toponyme Naxos




Kaukara Fragiskaki is at the southern part of the town of Naxos.



Classical (5th c.-4th c. B.C.).



The existence of three deposits are mentioned in the published reports. Two of them were found behind the Gymnasium, but the exact position of the third one is unknown.



Clay vessels (including several kernoi) and small finds (incl. lamps and figurines representing a seated goddess with polos or a standing female hydrophoroi)) have been also found together with the inscription.

A graffito on a skyphos bears the name of Demeter.



Demeter and Kore (;)

Written Sources: Inscription. Evidence for the existence of a Thesmophorion in the region is  an inscription of the 4th c., found behind the Gymnasium, where the cults of Demeter, Kore and Deus Eubouleus are mentioned. A few deposits, found in the area of Gymnasium, have been associated with the Thesmophorion.



Excavation Date: 1931-1932, 1950, 1960, 1963

Institution/Excavator: Greek Archaeological Service/Kontoleon M. N. – Zaphiropoulos N.

Excavation Type: Rescue



Primary Publications:

  • 1.Kontoleon M. N. 1931-1932. ΝΑΞΟΣ, ΑΔ 14 (1931-1932), παράρτημα: 50
  • Zaphiropoulos N. 1960. ΝΑΞΟΣ, ΑΔ 16 (1960), Χρονικά: 251
  • Zaphiropoulos N. 1963. ΝΑΞΟΣ, ΑΔ 18 (1963), Β2 Χρονικά: 275

Secondary Publication(s):

  • 1.Bikakis M. H. 1985. Archaic and Classical Imported Pottery in the Museums of Naxos and Paros, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Cincinnati: 254-256
  • Kourou N. 1999. Ανασκαφής Νάξου. Το Νóτιο Νεκροταφεíοτης Νάξου κατά τη Γεωμετρική Περíοδο, Athens: 134
  • Matthaiou P. A. 1992-1998. Εἰς IG XII Suppl., σ. 104, ἀρ. 196, HOROS 10-12 (1992-1998): 419-422
  • Savo M. B. 2004 Culti, Sacerdozi e Feste delle Cicladi. Dall’eta arcaica all’eta romana, T. I, Tored, Roma: 250, T 19
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