
Author of the notice : A. Mazarakis Ainian


Place : Potamia valley
: Naxos isl.
Notice linked to toponyme Naxos



In the Potamia valley, South of Melanes, there may have existed a temple. Marble architectural members were found incorporated in nearby churches of Ay. Mamas (at the SE of the plain, towards Sangri) and in a church further to the North, in the area of Melanes.



Architectural membrers were found inside the church of Agios Mamas in second use and near a small church in Melanes. These belong to the same buildling, probably a temple. The exact place of the temple has not been located. Marble lion-head waterspouts were recovered, allowing the reconstruction of a marble roof.



Late Archaic (end of the 6th c. B.C.).


Survey Date: 1962.

Institution/Excavator: Zapheiropoulous N/Dimitrokali G.

Type of field research: Survey.




Primary Publication:

  • Ohnesorg A. 1994. Die antiken Spolien in der Kirche des Hagios Mamas auf Naxos, Architectura 24, 1994: 170-184

Secondary Publications:

  • Ohnesorg A. 1993. Inselionische Marmordächer, DAA 18, 2, Berlin, 1993: 73-76
  • Ohnesorg A. 2005. Naxian and Parian architecture. General features and new discoveries, Yeroulanou M., Stamatopoulou M. (eds), Architecture and Archaeology in the Cyclades, papers in honour of J.J.Coulton, BAR 2005: 142.
Investigation :
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