Cave sanctuary of Zeus

Author of the notice : A. Mazarakis Ainian


Place : Zas Mt.
: Naxos isl.
Notice linked to toponyme Naxos



Sanctuary of Zeus Melosios on Mt. Zas, unidentified as yet.  The mountain is located in the southern part of the island and is the highest in the Cyclades (+1003 m).






Classical (4th c. B.C.).



Cult of Zeus Melosios. The existence of the cave sanctuary is known by rock-cut inscriptions, found on the upper slopes of the mountain (IG XII,5 48, Hesp. XLVI: 257-258).



Primary Publications:

1. Langdon K. M. 1976. A Sanctuary of Zeus on Mountain Hymettos , Hesperia, Suppl. XVI, Princeton, 1976: 111, n. 36

2. Savo M. B. 2004a. Lo Zeus con μηλωτή: una nuova iscrizione del monte Zas di Nasso, Lanzilotta E. (ed), Ricerche di Antichità e Tradizione classica, Tivoli, Roma, 2004: 149-171 

3. Savo M. B. 2004b. Culti, Sacerdozi e Feste delle Cicladi. Dall’eta arcaica all’eta romana, T. I, Tored, Roma, 2004, T  8, Τ 9: 47, 247

4. Vanderpol E. 1977. The Marquis de Nointel in Naxos AD 1673,  Hesperia XLVI, 1977: 257-258

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