Cave sanctuary of Dionysos?

Author of the notice : A. Mazarakis Ainian


Place : Koronis Mt.
: Naxos isl.
Notice linked to toponyme Naxos



Possible cave sanctuary of Dionysus, on mountain Koronis, in the NE part of the island of Naxos. The site has not been located yet, though suggested by epigraphical and philological sources, according to M. Savo.

Several caves are known here: at Stavros, Porta and Kato Spileo.


1 .5 km from the village of Koronos were found fragments of two archaic marble statues (a torso of a kouros and a female seated figure) in second use in the walls bordering the path.



Classical Period (4th c. B.C.).



The assumption that cave cult sites were situated at the Koronis Mountain is based on the discovery of these two fragments of marble statues.



Primary Publication:

  • Savo M. B. 2004b. Culti, Sacerdozi e Feste delle Cicladi. Dall’eta arcaica all’eta romana, T. I, Tored, Roma, 2004: 197-198

Secondary Publication

  • Larson J. 2001. Greek Nymphes. Myth, Cult, Lore, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001: 181-182

On the sculptures:

  • Primary Publication: Kokkorou-Alewras G. 1995. Die Archaische naxische Bildhauerei, Antike Plastik Lieferung 24, 1995: 37-138.
  • Secondary Publication: Bruneau Ph., Ducat J. 2005. Guide de Délos, Paris, De Boccard, Réed. 2005: 90-91.


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