Sanctuary of Zeus and Athena

Author of the notice : A. Mazarakis Ainian


Place : Delos, Mt. Kynthos
: Kynthion
: Delos isl.
Notice linked to toponyme Delos, Délos, Dilos



The sanctuary of Zeus and Athena Kynthia was erected on the summit of Mount Kynthos. The largest part of the sanctuary dates to the Hellenistic times, although the cult of Zeus and Athena at the site goes back to the Archaic period. Unfortunately no architectural remains of that period survived, but the cult is attested by other finds, mostly pottery.


Sherds, clay figurines and a small, faience scarab are mentioned. An enthroned female figure clay figurine is supposed to represent a goddess. CHRONOLOGY The material dates to the late 7th c.


According to the graffiti on clay vessels, it was possible to establish that Zeus was the divinity originally worshipped at the sanctuary. Athena must have been also venerated there shortly after, as indicated by an inscribed sherd, mentioning both the name of Zeus and Athena.


Excavation Date: 1913-1914, 1916 Institution/Excavator: French School at Athens/Plassart A. Excavation Type: Systematic


Primary Publication:

Plassart A. 1928. Les sanctuaires et les cultes du Mont Cynthe, Délos XI, Paris, 51-69

Secondary Publications:

Bruneau Ph., Ducat J. (eds) 2005. Guide de Délos: Quatriéme édition refondue et mise à jour, Paris, 285-287 (no. 105) Bruneau Ph. 1970. Recherches sur les cultes de Délos à l’époque hellénistique et à l’époque impériale, Paris, 225 Charbonneaux J. 1930. Le Mont Cynthe, à Délos, JdS 4: 155-165 Gallet de Santerre H. 1958. Délos primitive et archaïque, Paris, 262-264

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