Sanctuary of female divinity?

Author of the notice : A. Mazarakis Ainian


Place : Ay. Andreas
: Minoa?
: Siphnos isl.
Notice linked to toponyme Siphnos, Sifnos, Meropi, Siphanto



Aghios Andreas is located at the S and inner part of the island.



An edifice (Building ΣΤ) has been uncovered at the site, measuring 17x14 m. It was surrounded by a peribolos, of which the foundations are still in situ. The edifice is interpreted as a temple. The remains of a rectangular edifice with different orientation were found under Building ΣΤ. A votive deposit was found E of Building ΣΤ and under the LA propylon. A second one was found E of the rectangular edifice and within the limits of  Building ΣΤ. 



Among the finds from the deposit are clay vessels, jewellery of bronze, metal spearhead, arrowheads and daggers, animal (bird and horse figurines) and female figurines, wreaths with animal and bird figurines, stone, clay and glass beads, stone and bone sealed pendants  (including a few decorated with animal or human figures) and lastly lead objects.



Building ΣΤ dates to the Late Archaic Period. The building under Buidling ΣΤ dates to the LG and EA period. The material from the two deposits dates to the Geometric (8th c. BC) and Archaic Period. The presence of the Geometric material suggest that cult was practised in the area during the Geometric period



The character of the finds could suggest that a cult of a female deity was practised at the site.




Excavation Date: 2002-until today

Institution/Excavator: Greek Archaeological Service/C. A. Televantou

Excavation Type: Systematic





Primary Publication:

Televantou, C. A. 2005. Ἡ Ακρόπολη του Αγίου Ανδρέα, Procceedings of the 2nd International Sifnean Symposium, Sifnos 27-30 June 2002, Athens, 59-70

Televantou, C. A. 2015. The Archaic sanctuary at the acropolis of Aghios Andreas, Siphnos, in A. Mazarakis Ainian (ed.), The Archaic Sanctuaries of the Cyclades. New Research, Rennes

Secondary Publication:

Mermoz, J. 2010. La vie religieuse des Cyclades de l’HR IIIC à la fin de la période archaïque, Lyon,PhD Thesis, 350

Investigation :
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